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male fitting中文是什么意思

用"male fitting"造句"male fitting"怎么读"male fitting" in a sentence


  • 外螺纹接头配件
  • 阳螺纹管接头
  • 阳模配合


  • Hydraulic braking systems ; fittings for brake pipes ; male fittings for brake pipes
  • Motor vehicles - hydraulic braking systems - pipes , tapped holes , male fittings and hose end fittings
  • Road vehicles - hydraulic braking systems - double - flare pipes , tapped holes , male fittings and tube seats
  • Road vehicles . hydraulic braking systems . simple flare pipes , tapped holes , male fittings and hose end fittings
  • Road vehicles . pneumatic braking systems . part 1 : pipes , male fittings and tapped holes with facial sealing surface
  • Road vehicles . pneumatic braking systems . part 2 : pipes , male fittings and tapped holes with conical sealing surface
  • Protective , metallic , cap , for nf l 40 - 104 male fittings and similar types . iso metric thread profile and tolerances
    Nfl 40 - 104和类似型式接头阳螺纹端用金属保护外壳. iso米制螺纹剖面和公差
  • Males fit in with the military technical occupations better than females . ( 3 ) significant differences are found in the vocational interest among different grades on the conventional type
    ( 3 )不同年级大学生在常规型职业兴趣上具有显著差异,常规型职业兴趣有随着年级的增高而逐渐下降的趋势。
用"male fitting"造句  
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